Unit page, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

relatio PairOfPair UOU

Official Latin term relatio PairOfPair UOU
Official subsidiary term relation PairOfPair UOU
Unit identifier TAH:U11403
Unit type taxonomic
Materiality non physical entity
Link to the unit relatio PairOfPair UOU
Links of entity taxonomic: relatio PairOfPair UOU
Entity-oriented links Universal page Definition page
External links PubMed
Taxonomic links Level 2: relatio anatomica Short Extended
Level 3: relatio partitionis corporeae
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic definition
Taxonomic definition The relation PairOfPair UOU is a relation of pair of material partition [relatio paris partitionis corporeae] which links a pair of material entities to another pair of material entities where each lateral member is a Part_of the corresponding member of the father entity.

The PairOfPair relation.

The PairOfPair relation is a specialisation of the PartOf relation and contributes as such to the definition of the partonomic hierarchy of TAH.

The PairOfPair relation is a link between a father material singular paired entity and a child material singular paired entity. Its target is the definition of a symmetrical pair out of another paired entity. It is the equivalent of the PartOf relation applied to both members of each pair.

Example: [caput humeri (par)] -> (PairOfPair) -> [humerus (par)].

Name: PairOfPair

Acronym: UOU

Conceptual schema: [Child entity A] -> (PairOfPair) -> [Father entity B]

Child entity A: material singular paired

Father entity B: material singular paired.

Date: 22.02.2024